There's a romantic image of the knight in shining armor riding off to fight a ferocious dragon for the sake of helpless, for the sake of the kingdom. In my own experience though, it's usually the other way around. The Dragon finds me. Last night, my son asked what it meant "to be under [spiritual] attack". I tried to explain a bit about the interaction between the world we see, the physical, and the one we cannot see, the spiritual. Then, how there are powers in that unseen world that surpass any we can view here, but that our God is so far above it all, that there is absolutely no comparison. Finally, but for God's own reasons, he has allowed them to exist and have sway to an extent in our own universe.
Such attacks range in duration and intensity. Their affects may even be felt across time. What do these assaults typically look like in your life right now? Has the dragon changed tactics on you over the course of your life?
Also, God has given us both armor and a weapon. Even Christ availed himself of the sword in his own desert defense. (Ephesians 6:10-20, Matt. 4:1ff, Luke 4:1ff) We must remember these truths when undergoing our own temptations. For only with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, our hope of salvation, His Word, and constant prayer for ourselves and others can we stand against such devastating schemes.