Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Gift of a Water Buffalo

"Oh, my God!"

His mercies are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
            Lamentations 3:23


Evelyn said...

I really like that story! I'd seen it once before and I am really glad it's making its way... they are smart for using that song in tagging it!

In essence, this is the concept of micro-finance... except really this is micro-gifts. A useful gift that will increase productivity and allow them to take some control of their situation!

I had an econ prof just a few days ago go off about how Christians give aid and aid is not good... but the Christians don't understand that they are actually hurting the general good and not helping. I thought about that for a long time and concluded he would only be right if we lived in a system where the economy ran as perfectly has he expects it to. It doesn't.. and I think that's why the bible does say, "when did you see the hungry and feed, the thirsty and gave him something to drink.." that verse... IMPLYING that we SHOULD give aid. And God knows how economies are supposed to work!

ok - sorry for rambling... but since I couldn't go up to the prof and tell him this to his face, i unloaded steam by writing here. ;)

craig said...

Your econ profs point is well taken. "Gifts" without thoughtful consideration can often be harmful by enabling destructive behavior, or bestowing power that cannot be wielded without hurting others and destroying relationships. I feel certain he would admit to times where giving is good.

Also, it sounds very likely those taking Christ's name have hurt him and/or those he loves. Do your best to be a cool drink to him and wear your true name without shame.