Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hi everyone!

Recently I've had a very long conversation with a friend who is not a Christian and he raised some very important questions that I do not have the answers to. He is willing to believe the bible (although he doesn't yet), so it's okay and desired that the answer to these questions be backed with bible verses. I thought maybe all of you could help me. Perhaps these questions don't have answers.. but I don't know this for sure. Actually, these are statements that need to be counteracted (and perhaps the statement itself is not spoken in a correct manner)

1) If God created us in His image, than He is not ALL good.. because we are evil. If He created Lucifer, and Lucifer is evil, than God is evil. Questions: Biblically, were angels also created in God's image (or just the humans)? We can explain that humans are evil because we fell prey to the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and that God didn't create us evil. However, He created the tree... and according to the bible everything He created is good. But the tree wasn't good... the tree was the knowledge of evil. So, DID He create evil? Or is evil just the absence of good? In Genesis, when it says that "and He saw that it was good", does it mean that it was "well done, properly created" or that it was "good good, pure and likable good"??? The verse I have found to reference that it was good good is 1 Timothy 4:4... do you all think this is confirmation as well? Lastly, I know we've discussed in this blog before the nature of good and evil (and if evil is the absence of good)... but I don't think the verse which indicates God allows us to go through tribulations to refine us actually proves He CREATED evil... although it does prove He allows evil (or rather, the absence of good in my opinion.. because He gave us choice).

2) Was Lucifer thrown out of heaven before the creation of man? Can we prove this biblically? Was the snake in the Garden of Eden possessed by the Devil? Or was this just a cunning snake, the most intelligent of all the animals (which perhaps had itself already ate from that same tree)?

Ok, I think these are all for now.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

1. To answer the first question you might be able to look at it this way. If an artist paints a self-portrait then he or he in a sense created something in his/her own image. This certainly doesn't mean that the piece of art is an exact representation of the artist. We are not exact representations of God, although we are instilled with many of His characteristics.

The tree in the garden simply gave Adam and Eve the ability to interpret what is a good or right action and what was a bad or wrong action. This was something they didnt need if the put their full trust and hope and being in God, but they chose to eat the fruit and thus reject God as their sole hope and provision. Therefore the tree was by no means evil, it was simply one way in which God offered humans the choice to put their lives and love and worth in His hands or not.

Question two is one that has a lot more said about it in Milton's "Paradise Lost" or Dante's "Inferno" than in the text of Scripture. There are a number of passages that can be read to show Satan was Lucifer and thrown from heaven etc, but I dont find any of them to be conclusive. As far as the snake in the garden, I dont know where to go with that one except to say that it probably matters very little. What matters instead is the choice Adam and Eve made to defy God. This is like the old adage "The devil made me do it." The serpent simply offered the suggestion, but didn't force them to eat.

These are good questions. Now I have a few. Are most of the folks who write on this blog from a certain fellowship or denomination? How does one get to write on this blog?

Blessings and Shalom

Kirsten said...

Hey RogueMinister! Pretty much anyone's welcomed to post. Most of the people on here are friends or friends of friends. How did you know about our blog? Just send me an email (kirstenkwa@yahoo.com) to add your name to the list. We come from all different denominations and from all different walks of life with Christ. Cheers!