Saturday, March 24, 2007

The First Post

So I just found out that struggling doesn't have to be as difficult as I make it out to be. Recently, I've been struggling through the onslaught of homework, but instead of asking God to take away the pain, I've been thanking God for the pain. And you know what? The change in perspective has made all the difference.

A while later, I was reminded about this verse: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

What was cool to me was that I could come up with this revelation before I read the verse, which yet again proves that the Spirit is truly our helper.


Evelyn said...

Woa! exactly what I needed to hear :) Going through the same situation as you I think.... and just yesterday I found peace about it as I prayed audibly to Christ about how I was feeling. Placing it in perspective helped. But then this morning I was freaking out all over again.... and then I read this blog. Thank you for starting and writing what God placed in your heart to do!

gillian said...

Thanks for starting this blog! About two days ago, I was really feeling the need to have someone to be accountable to in my Christian walk. This comes at a perfect time. This week I too had so much anxiety and was convinced that I was the only one freaking out and everyone else had it together. And I put off praying because I felt too pathetic to come before my Father. But I know He's just waiting for me to present my requests to Him with thanksgiving, and He's not gonna condemn me for my weaknesses. Let's press on toward the goal!

Daniel Torres said...

This is awesome! I’m glad you took the time to make something like this. I'm already working on writing out one of the many lessons I've learned this year, so look for my post soon! :)

Kim said...

That's definitely been one of my favorite verses for a really long time now, and definitely something I cling to when times get rough.

I think it's awesome that you've started this, and I look forward to seeing what God will bring to each of our lives as we share with each other. It's even prompted me to get my own blogspot account! Kirsten, if I started becoming addicted to posting all the time, it'll be all your fault! :p

Teh-Sheng Ma said...

Thanks for the invite! Let's see how God uses this to strengthen us all!