Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Recommended Reading (my first post)

I have a short list of blogs I visit either every day or every week. However, other than our own little piece of the web here :-) , there's 1 so far that stands out. His name is Terry Rush. You can find him simply at I write today because his last message is so profoundly simple, "Hear the Cry of the World", and his deep cry, his deep desire for our Jesus is so profound.

Some things about Terry: He writes practically every day. He's a preacher in Tulsa, OK. He leads and organizes the Tulsa Soul Winning Workshop every year. He has a beautiful family, which you can find blogs of his sons, Dusty and Tim, who I know from college. And most of all, he's desperate to reach the lost of our world with the message of Jesus.

Is there someone who blogs that gives you encouragement? Tell us!

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