Sunday, October 14, 2007

Child Preachers?

When I logged on to Yahoo today, I saw a clip from 20/20 titled "Child Preachers". I can't find the link to it but, if you go on, and search child preachers, you will find similar videos. The video starts by showing the 7 year old Baptist preacher from Mississippi.

I believe God uses kids, but something about this is very unsettling. At the end of the clip, the reporter asks him, "what are you saving people from" and the poor kid doesn't know how to answer her! He only knows that the whole world needs to be saved.

I feel this is very sad. This kid is loosing his childhood! He is already taking the role of an adult but in addition to that, probably having to deal with a ton of criticism while he's at it.

How does a kid get to that point? Is it need for attention and desire for parental approval that drives him? Has he been brainwashed? Is he seriously being led by God? Could it be that he is possessed by a demon as was the kid in Mark 9:17? While it might seem like it would not be to the devils advantage to have yet another preacher.. this has in my opinion made a mockery of the Christian faith. Look at the video, the kid does not appear natural... neither kid (african american boy of 9 years)

Anyhow - just thought I'd share about the existence of this video in case yall hadn't see it.



craig said...

I think this is the link you're talking about. And not just a little disturbing. Indeed, God can use whomever He desires, and will use the weak to humble the strong. Yet, those he calls he also equips for His ministry, and these children are obviously not equipped for such responsibility.

Kim said...

Here's the link to the full report on 20/20. I'm not sure what I think of it just yet, but I definitely would not be okay with my church taking one of our kids and putting them up on the pulpit.

I know it's easy to use scripture from places like Jeremiah to say that age doesn't matter, but there is also something to be said about preparing and positioning oneself for the right time to be launched into ministry.

I really question how much time these kids spent praying and studying and trying to understand even a portion of the bible before they were put on stage and branded the newest prophet for the modern day generation.